Facebook Buys Shopping Search Engine: TheFind
Facebook Buys and Shuts Down TheFind - Still Trying To Perfect Advertising
Oh Facebook. You and your targeted ads and your buying buttons and everything else in between. Your attempts to nail your marketing and business relations is often something I’m heavily critical of.
I’ll be a bit nicer this time, I promise. I think I give
Facebook a bit too much of a hard time occasionally. Unfortunately they've yet
to convince me that they’re on the up and up just yet.
Here’s another step from Facebook to get their marketing and
shopping channels running smoothly. They’re just purchased the shopping search
engine: TheFind. If you’re
not sure, TheFind is simply a search engine like Google but it only searches for
all your shopping needs. So for example if you want to buy a new PlayStation.
Search that in TheFind and it’ll give you all the results from all the
different shops selling PlayStations and it’ll include everything from Target
to Amazon.
TheFind commented about the acquisition in a blog post on Friday last week.
‘We are now starting our next chapter by combining forces
with Facebook to do even more for consumers. Facebook's resources and platform
give us the opportunity to scale our expertise in product sourcing to the over
1 billion people that use the platform.’
Well they sound excited. Rightly so, I imagine that the
price for TheFind was probably just a tad in the high figures. Unfortunately,
all we can do at the moment is speculate as the amount hasn't been released
yet. Though, TheFind hasn't received any cash injections since 2007.
Unfortunately, if you've just found out about the TheFind
and were hoping to take it for a spin you’d better act fast. TheFind will be
going offline within a few weeks as it becomes completely incorporated by
Facebook. So get searching for that new PlayStation. You can send me one too if
you like.
It does seem that Facebook’s acquisition of TheFind will
strip the company down and use its tools for more advertising efforts on
Facebook’s part according to a blog post from the social network.
‘We're excited to welcome TheFind to Facebook. TheFind’s
talented team has built a successful search engine that connects people to
products. Together, we believe we can make the Facebook ads experience even
more relevant and better for consumers. Our business is about connecting people
with the topics, companies, brands, and increasingly products they care about
and we look forward to doing that with TheFind on board.’
Once again, let’s see what you've got Facebook. We’re all waiting
to be convinced.
Tom Welby
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Tom currently manages and edits this blog. He writes occasionally too, when time allows. His interests include Arnold Schwarzenegger films and his dog. Follow him @TomAtSMF
Facebook Buys Shopping Search Engine: TheFind
Reviewed by Unknown
Tuesday, March 17, 2015