// #Yandex vs. #Google - The #Russian #SearchEngine Takes Legal Action in the EU - Social Songbird


#Yandex vs. #Google - The #Russian #SearchEngine Takes Legal Action in the EU

Yandex is effectively the Russian equivalent of Google. Is it as powerful? Of course not, nor is it anywhere near as comprehensive, but Russia's reluctance to follow suit with the western world has meant that they've had to internalise a lot of online mainstays, search engines included. Do Yandex have a working relationship with Google though, surely they must do? Ha, you're adorable.

Yandex absolutely loathe Google, and they're not shy about asserting that hatred. Now they've asked for legal action to be taken against them, and what they've been doing with Android firmware. They're calling for an investigation to find out if they're using anti-competitive business practices, something a number of EU legislators have been trying to catch them doing for quite a while now

In September, the national competition watchdog found that Google had set their search engine to be pre-installed on all Android phones, which at least in Russia is a violation. The result of this investigation will have a pronounced influence on Yandex's performance not only in Russia but elsewhere across the world. It's doing well enough to compete with Google in Turkey and a number of other formerly Soviet nations. While Yandex will never topple Google, their ongoing attempts to call them out will certainly shake the credibility of the towering tech overlord.

In more progressive, less aggressive news, Yandex have also been playing around with a mobile-friendly label for their searching. They're only the third search engine to do this, behind Google and Bing. It might not sound overly impressive, but indicating which sites are mobile friendly is a valuable tool for business and personal web users alike, and Yandex have also brought out a web diagnostics tool which enables developers to check if their sites are mobile-friendly. Could we be looking at a more divided, nationalised future of searching? It's not beyond the realms of possibility.

Callum is a film school graduate who is now making a name for himself as a journalist and content writer. His vices include flat whites and 90s hip-hop. Follow him @CallumAtSMF

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#Yandex vs. #Google - The #Russian #SearchEngine Takes Legal Action in the EU Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, November 22, 2015 Rating: 5
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