// #Snapchat Shutting Down #LensStore - Social Songbird


#Snapchat Shutting Down #LensStore

Tech Crunch/Snapchat
It feels like only yesterday that Snapchat introduced their lense feature and it completely blew up. Back in November, as well as the free lenses that users could choose from each day, they opened up a virtual store where they could choose from 30 more lenses that sold at $.99 each. This was obviously Snapchat's attempt to make money seeing as the app was otherwise completely free. And now, on January 8th, the store is about to shut down.

Shortly after the introduction of the store, Snapchat also introduced promotional lenses. They were free just like the regular lenses but they would promote something, for example, the lenses for the Peanuts Movie. To some people these would have been more tempting as they were free, but the idea that Snapchat was using their pictures to advertise may have put some people off.

With the store being shut down, Snapchat are liable to release more promotional lenses and they'll probably make more money out of those then they ever did at the store.

This all being said, if you have brought any of the lenses from the store, then you will get to keep them. The paid-to-use lenses aren't disappearing completely but they will be for some time until they're introduced into the free selection.

Snapchat will also continue to release more lenses in general and not just the promotional ones so there may well be some fun to still be had, if you still use them that is. The lenses remain a technological feat and good idea for people who send a lot of selfies but don't always have the inspiration to make them a little more interesting. Snapchat were very clever with introducing them but that doesn't mean they were a something to try and make money from.

The lense store only lasted a few months and in my experience people are using the lenses less by now. So this could simply be Snapchat trying to backtrack on their attempt to make money and encourage more users to continue to use the lenses. Whether that will actually work or not is a different story.

Rosina is a Songbird rookie with a degree in Creative Writing. She's trying to focus on her novel on the side but is hoping that Content Writing will turn out to be a good career choice in the mean time! Follow her @RosinaAtSMF

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#Snapchat Shutting Down #LensStore Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, January 09, 2016 Rating: 5
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