// Snapchat Introduce Group Chat and a Host of Other New Features - Social Songbird


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Snapchat Introduce Group Chat and a Host of Other New Features

The New Yorker
Ah Snapchat updates, they're like a mini Christmas unto themselves. Some apps just fix bugs and maybe change a few formats here and there, but with almost every Snapchat update comes a shiny new feature. You'd think that by now the app would be hopelessly overcrowded, but somehow it's managed to remain as smooth as ever.

This time around, the most prominent feature they've added is Groups: a group chat function which allows up to 16 people to talk all at once. Just like the normal platform, any snaps sent can only be opened and replayed once by each individual person, and 24 hours after the group has gone inactive, it disappears. All the other features you have in one-on-one chat are present and correct as well.

Helpfully, there's also a button which allows you to shoot straight out of the group and into an individual chat screen with anyone else there, just in case you want to tell them to lay off, or that you're madly in love with them, or that there's a badger under the table with a gun. All you have to do is tap them right on their stupid face. If only that was how you engaged with people privately in real life, things would be so much easier.

Meanwhile, a few new features have been introduced to help you make your snaps the prettiest in all the land. The most prominent of these is Paintbrush, which allows you to make the snaps stored in Memories look as if they were painted. Then there's Scissors, which enables you to cut out part of a snap and turn it into a sticker. Novelties, both, but when you consider them mixed in with all the other fun editing options, you can see how they enhance the experience.

Lastly, the app has been given some level of synergy with Shazam. Basically, you can now use Shazam within Snapchat. If you hear a song that you want to identify, you tap the camera button and Shazam will spring to life and give you the song ID as it does inside the main app. You can then tap a prompt to learn more about the song, listen a preview, browse similar ones and all else. Makes you wonder why you'd even bother using the Shazam app anymore.

Callum is a film school graduate who is now making a name for himself as a journalist and content writer. His vices include flat whites and 90s hip-hop. Follow him @Songbird_Callum

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Snapchat Introduce Group Chat and a Host of Other New Features Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, December 16, 2016 Rating: 5
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