YouTube Tweak Advertising Algorithm in Wake of Backlash against Recent Guideline Changes
You may recall that a few months back, YouTube hit a major
controversy when ads for hundreds of branded products and services began
appearing alongside hateful, racist and/or extremist content. Said brands began
to pull their advertisements from YouTube’s platform en masse, which of course
resulted in a significant hit to the website’s revenue. In response, YouTube
implemented a brand new set of guidelines designed to prevent such incidents from
occurring in the future. Problem solved? Well, not quite.
While the change in advertising guidelines was somewhat
successful in regards to its initial intent, many popular and established
YouTubers found that their perfectly innocent videos were no longer running
with ads because they were flagged as not being “family friendly”. Once again
YouTube was facing mass criticism, with many content creators admitting
outright confusion regarding what exactly would cause their videos to be
flagged in such a manner.
In response, YouTube launched a feature whereby users could appeal any flagged content they feel was misclassified in the hope of providing further transparency; appealed
videos would then receive a human review, with the decisions of those appeals
being incorporated into the learning algorithm thereby enabling it to make
better decisions in the future. Now it seems that the millions of reviews
already conducted via this appeal process have helped to train and improve this
technology to the point where progress can be made. To this end, YouTube have announced an important update to their algorithms which they assert
should result in “a 30% reduction in the number of videos receiving limited ads
as they move to being fully monetized. In other words, millions more videos
will become fully monetized.”
The update rolled out at 2:30pm PT on 26th
October, although YouTube did state in their release regarding the announcement
that while each area of the Creator Studio is updated, users may experience
some issues with the ‘Limited Ads’ feature. This issue however should not last
YouTube and their loyal creators alike will be sincerely
hoping that this update has a substantial effect in terms of correcting current
issues; in the meantime however users are urged to continue to appeal any
videos they feel have been misjudged, as this will only help better train the
is an aspiring novelist with a passion for fantasy and crime thrillers.
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YouTube Tweak Advertising Algorithm in Wake of Backlash against Recent Guideline Changes
Reviewed by Unknown
Wednesday, November 01, 2017