5 Great User-Generated Content Campaigns From 2013
Even though the year is only two-thirds over, there have already been some truly brilliant user-generated content campaigns. Brands are using the great social media tools at their disposal – Vine, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and, most importantly, hashtags – to create and run clever UGC campaigns.
The great thing about UGC campaigns is all the work is done by the brand’s fans: they engage by entering the campaign and judging their competitors; they create content that the company can use in the future to promote its brand. All the company has to do is publicise the campaign and monitor the entries.
Here are our five favourite user-generated content campaigns so far in 2013.
1. Nissan – #VersaVid
My personal favourite, this ingenious campaign challenged Nissan fans to create micro-videos featuring a paper Nissan Versa. The Nissan Versa had to be printed out from a special site, cut out and then folded into the car’s shape.
Fans then had to record a short video using Instagram or Vine and post it with the hashtag #VersaVid. The six best videos will receive a $1000 dollar amazon voucher, with three featuring in Nissan’s upcoming US commercial.
The competition is now closed, with the judges preparing to announce the best six videos next month. Of course, the winners will get a fantastic prize, but Nissan will benefit the most: they are getting footage for an upcoming television campaign and publicity for the release of a new car, all for the cost of a website, some gift vouchers and a bit of campaign management.
2. Evian – Wimbledon Wiggle
The UK branch of French water company Evian gave away VIP Wimbledon tickets to people who sent in videos of their version of the ‘Wimbledon Wiggle’ – the little dance tennis players do before they receive a serve.
A special Facebook app was set up where fans could post their attempts at the dance. The best videos were rewarded with the VIP tickets. The campaign was a fun and clever idea to get Evian’s customers and Wimbledon fans engaging with the brand online. A number of celebrities even got involved, Jonathan Ross and Holly Willoughby among them, helping to promote the campaign to a wider audience.
3. Lexus – #LexusInstafilm
Despite the release of Instagram Video, Lexus recently decided to create a short movie compiled of Instagram photos, each one taken by a Lexus fan and Instagram user. The film, which features the 2014 Lexus IS, is comprised of 360 photographs taken by 200 different Instagram users at an event in California.
The photos were each hashtagged #LexusInstafilm so that they could be found on Instagram. Lexus then created a clever stop motion animation comprised of the best videos.
The event gave Lexus fans exclusive access to see the new IS in action, as well as an opportunity to show off their picture taking abilities. Lexus, meanwhile, got free footage to show off their new car online.
4. F&F Clothing – 7 Days Of Summer
Earlier this year, F&F ran a Facebook competition where fans had the chance to win a £75 voucher every day for a week. F&F asked fans to send in photos of themselves rocking an outfit tied to a specific theme, such as stripes or floral.
F&F posted photos of models wearing a different outfit each day to announce the theme. Each outfit was comprised of items from F&F’s new collection. Fans were able to post their photos on Facebook, on Pinterest, or use the corresponding Twitter hashtag (e.g. #7DaysStripes) to send their outfits in.
The campaign provided F&F with great user-generated content to post on their social media sites and promote their clothing.
5. Topps Tiles – Show Off Your Style
Flooring experts Topps Tiles ran a competition online asking DIY amateurs to show off their best attempts at interior design and home renovation. The competition was fronted by celebrity interior designer Julia Kendell and judged, in part, by the Topps Tiles community, with the final decision made by a panel of specialists.
To enter, contestants had to take a photo of their efforts, share it on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest and get their friends to vote on the competition page. The overall winner was given an iPad 4 and a home makeover for them or a friend or relative, overseen by Julia Kendell.
The campaign engaged the DIY community and gave them involvement in the decision. Topps were able to see how people were using their products and were provided with some great content to post online.
Which was your favourite user-generated content campaign from 2013?
Contact us on Twitter, on Facebook, or leave your comments below.
Will Sigsworth
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5 Great User-Generated Content Campaigns From 2013
Reviewed by Anonymous
Wednesday, August 21, 2013