Five ways to get Twitter users to retweet your content
Since Twitter introduced the favourite button, businesses
have been plagued by an ever-increasing problem: dead-end content marketing.
While the favourite button is intended for users to flag a tweet they like, or
to bookmark a link so they can refer back to it later, many are now using it in
lieu of the retweet function. And this means your content isn’t being shared.
While favouriting (or liking) something is an excellent way
to endorse posts on closed social networks like Facebook, favouriting has the
opposite effect on Twitter. Instead of spreading the word, promoting
participation and improving exposure (and followers), the favourite button gives
users the option to simply flag a post instead of retweeting it. This means
content they might have otherwise shared is disappearing into a social media
abyss… and that’s not good for business.
The task for businesses is now tougher than ever
before. If people aren’t sharing, it doesn’t matter how great your content is.
While you can’t force Twitter users to avoid that favourite button, here are
five ways you can encourage them to go for a good old-fashioned retweet instead
(or – if you’re lucky – as well).
- Keep your tweets brief
People like to add comments to tweets that they
share, so don’t use all 140 characters when you’re tweeting as this will put
them off. Shorter tweets catch the eye and give your followers space to add
their own remarks. This in turn endorses your content and will hopefully
encourage their followers to share it too.
- Retweet other people
Practice what you preach. If you want people to
share your content, then share theirs – particularly content from key
influencers within your industry or area of business. Of course, you should
only retweet things that your audience will find relevant, but once you start
retweeting others, they will start to notice you. And if you start catching
their eye, this means they will be more likely to spread your content in
- Have compelling material
Get to know your followers and their interests –
not just in terms of business, but their hobbies too. If you tweak or angle
your content so that it’s more relevant to your followers, this will make it
more far more retweetable. Providing top tips, promoting giveaways,
contextualising content with current affairs or even just making users smile
are all sure-fire ways to grab their attention. And once that happens, chances
are they’ll be more willing to retweet you.
- Time your tweets
This one might sound obvious, but time your
updates carefully. There’s no use tweeting when it’s too quiet (such as in the
morning or late at night) because fewer people will see your content. Equally,
tweeting at peak times often means your post will be lost amid a sea of other
content. Tools such as Tweriod are
excellent for helping find out when your followers are online so that you can
increase exposure and your chances of that coveted retweet.
- Ask for a retweet
As the old saying goes: ‘If you don’t ask, you
don’t get’. If you have compelling content that’s relevant to your followers,
asking them for a retweet can really pay off – interestingly, studies have also
shown that spelling out ‘retweet’ rather than writing ‘RT’ improves the chances
of sharing by about 23 times. Asking for a retweet can be an excellent way to
promote discussion while increasing coverage and showing your followers that
you’re interested in what they have to say.
Finally, engage with people, and don’t take
yourself too seriously. Whether you’re a business or an individual, the best
way to promote yourself on Twitter is to be real – after all, it’s called social
media for a reason.
Did you find this post useful? Then start as you
mean to go on: don’t just favourite it – share it!
Will Hillier
Five ways to get Twitter users to retweet your content
Reviewed by Anonymous
Wednesday, August 28, 2013