Using Vine, Instagram and YouTube Videos To Freshen Up Your Brand
Is your brand out-dated? A little stale? Behind the times? Could you do with a new way to market your brand in a way that’s fresh, interesting and cool? A way to revitalise your image in the public eye? Well, creating videos and posting them on social media can not only help update your image, it can also get your brand way more attention online.
Here are some of the stats:
- 4 billion hours of YouTube video are watched every month.
- 5 Vine videos are tweeted every second.
- 24 hours of video were uploaded to Instagram in its first 24 hours.
1. Update Your Brand
Use YouTube to present your content in an interesting way. Instead of announcing a new product with a tweet or a Facebook post, create an exciting presentation video and post it across all your social media sites. Even before you release the product, you could release teaser videos using Vine and Instagram, posting them to Twitter and Facebook, in order to build excitement about your upcoming release.
If you have any articles, blog posts or news announcements that you could rewrite and turn into a video, do so. Instead of a block of text about your company and employees, interview your employees on video and film a tour of the office.
2. Market Your Brand
If you get it right, just using Vine and Instagram to create videos can persuade people that you’re at the cutting edge of social media marketing. A good Vine video can go viral very quickly, grabbing the attention of Vine’s users – a very socially active and innovative audience.
The best branded Vine videos, which can be seen on the website “Brands on Vine”, often give fans a behind-the-scenes look at their company, as I suggested you do above. Brands also post Vine videos which show off their products, publicise events or just take advantage of Vine’s great features to market their brand.
Branded videos are posted even more frequently on Instagram than on Vine, according to this Mashable article. You can see a few great examples on the Instagram help pages.
3. Humanise Your Brand
Is there a comedian in the office? Someone who makes everyone laugh? Or, better yet, is there something funny or interesting in/about your office that you can record and post on Facebook? It doesn’t necessarily have to have anything to do with your company, but it might get your YouTube channel more attention. For example, this video about a man who’s easily startled went viral on YouTube, which couldn’t have done the company he works for any harm.
Of course, you need to be careful. Judge your audience: will such a video put off your current customers? Will it attract the wrong sort of audience? Only post a video solely meant for entertainment if it won’t come back to bite you.
4. Entertain Your Fans
I’m sure you’ve already had a look through YouTube, Vine and Instagram to see how other brands and users are utilising each platform. You’ve probably come across a few videos that you enjoyed yourself. Don’t keep them to yourself! Share them with your fans and followers!
Even if you’re not creating content yourself, there’s no reason you can’t find and share content you come across. Follow some of the popular Vine and Instagram accounts, or some of the YouTube accounts that are relevant to your industry, and share their videos with your own followers. Vine and Instagram are still very new, so people are constantly finding novel ways to use the apps.
Also, if you share other people’s videos, they might share yours back.
5. Challenge Your Fans
Many brands are using Vine and Instagram to create competitions. These competitions challenge brand fans to create videos featuring a product in the hope of winning a prize. These competitions not only excite and entertain the apps’ users, they also generate a lot of free content for the brand, content which can then be posted on their social media sites for advertising purposes.
Check out some of the best Vine and Instagram competitions in this article I wrote last month.
How have you used viral videos to freshen up your brand?
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Will Sigsworth
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Using Vine, Instagram and YouTube Videos To Freshen Up Your Brand
Reviewed by Anonymous
Tuesday, September 03, 2013