Twitter Introduces the Illustrated Tweet for Android Tablets
Last week Twitter revealed its first app which was designed specifically for Android tablets. Although the site already had an app for Android users on
smartphones, it had not be optimized for Android tablets until now. The app
features a new landscape view which fills the screen with Tweets,
conversations, Trends, accounts to follow and more. One of the exciting new
features of this app is the ability to send an illustrated tweet - it is this feature which has the most potential to be built on by Twitter in their future developments.
From October 15, the Twitter for Android Tablets app became available on most Samsung tablets. Some of the key features of
the new app are….
The Multi-screen view:
This lets you run Twitter and
another app at the same time – allowing side by side viewing. You can Now read
Tweets whilst browsing on the web, or streaming music and videos, allowing you
the option to multi-task whilst on Twitter.

Twitter widget:
The app has introduced a widget
that brings Twitter content directly to your tablet. It allows you to engage
with Tweets, photos, and videos while also delivering breaking news, sport,
music and photos which are relevant to your specific location.
Illustrated Tweets:
You can now use Twitter to create
Illustrated Tweets, this can let you draw illustrations in a similar fashion to the use
of Snapchat to draw on photos, and also lets you draw whole images as your tweet. The
ability to do these doodles on your Samsung tablet has led to a number of
#IllustratedTweet Twitter conversations between Samsung and Twitter. Twitter
even released a Vine of an illustrated tweet of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge being created by an artist on a Samsung tablet,
naming it a ‘brand new way to Tweet’. Here are a selection of their illustrated
tweets to give you an insight into the way that this new feature works….
For now these illustrated tweets are just a fun way to share new content on Twitter. But if brands and advertisers start to pick up this new method of sharing images on Twitter, it could become an important new marketing tool, helping to send out original content to their audiences and helping to engage with their fans in a new and interesting manner. Samsung have already been making use of this new feature, which is exclusive to their tablets for the time being, so this could lead the way for other brands to follow, using their own Samsung tablets to create illustrated tweets to send out to followers.
However, at the moment there is the problem that this feature is only available for Samsung tablets, specifically the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition which it saw its debut with. Will this feature soon be seen on other brands of tablets too?
What do you think?
Do you think that the new Twitter app for Android tablets will start a new trend with illustrated tweets? Will this feature be developed for mobile users of Twitter as well?
Twitter Introduces the Illustrated Tweet for Android Tablets
Reviewed by Anonymous
Friday, October 18, 2013