Video Sharing Sites – Vimeo vs. YouTube vs. Dailymotion
Video sharing sites are extremely popular ways for people to
share content online whether they are artists, amateur videographers, or
companies hoping to promote their brands. What are the benefits of using
different video sharing platforms such as Vimeo, YouTube and Dailymotion? Which
one is the best to use to promote your online content? Will Vimeo and
Dailymotion ever be able to take over YouTube?
Which site you should use depends on a number of different factors, which varies from the target audience that you are trying to attract, your budget and the types of videos you actually produce. So here are the relative pros and cons for using each of these video sharing sites…
- Vimeo can be used by those who want to share their video content online to a community of professionals who are interested in creativity and high quality film content.
- Vimeo receives better comments on the content uploaded, providing constructive criticism as opposed to the offensive and irrelevant comments which have so often featured on YouTube.
- The site is much smaller than YouTube, getting roughly 70 million unique visitors each month, but the size also means that the users who do feature on the site are more engaged in the content that is posted.
- The layout of the site offers a much more minimalist approach, with less clutter around the video – this makes the video content uploaded by the user the primary focus of the website, and there aren’t the distractions of adverts and comments which pop up whilst on YouTube.
- Quality – the quality when uploading videos onto Vimeo is usually a lot better than when uploading onto YouTube, which is often a primary reason for using the site. Vimeo added an HD option back in 2007, even before YouTube did.
- Vimeo does not allow the user to upload content which hasn’t fully been created by the account owner, so this means that there will be no snippets from television shows which are often seen on YouTube.
- One of the negative aspects of Vimeo is its paid access – a Vimeo Pro account requires a fee to be paid, and some users are not willing to pay for premium features even though on Vimeo Pro these features are of very high quality.
- There are also commercial restrictions as if you plan on promoting a product or service on the site you will be required to pay for a Pro account.
- Another negative feature of Vimeo is that a Vimeo Pro account has cap restrictions – it only allows you to upload a maximum of 50 GB per year, with each video limited to a maximum of 5GB.
- YouTube has an estimated 450 million unique monthly visitors worldwide – with an audience this large it is no wonder that it is a popular site to upload video content onto, as it has such a large potential audience. It is also the second largest search engine, just behind Google.
- However, with this large an audience there comes the problem that your content might be lost among hundreds of thousands of other videos – more than 70 hours of video are uploaded every minute, so that provides a huge amount of competition.
- In contrast to Vimeo, YouTube allows an unlimited amount of videos to be uploaded as long as they do not exceed 2 GB per video.
- YouTube also allows channel customization so that you can choose a background image or colour when you sign up for your account therefore helping it to stand out and be more original, which could be particularly important for brands.
- A negative aspect of YouTube is that the comment system is often misused and bad comments can lead to a bad reputation for brands advertising on the site. However, with the new Google+ comment system, this should lead to a change in the way that comments are used and should start a move to more constructive comments.
- Dailymotion is a third option for those who want to share their video content online. Dailymotion is a good choice for those who do not want a site to be too picky about the rights of content for each video. There tend to be less claims for copyright related to this portal because producers are not paying so much attention.
- Dailymotion attracts over 112 million unique monthly visitors, and 2.5 billion video views worldwide.
It is clear that YouTube is not the only option
for those who wish to share video content online. But for brands who are
wishing to market their products or artists who are wishing to debut new songs,
they should play close attention to the audience of each site and the cost of uploading
a video on the site to make sure that they are making the most out of their video content. For now it seems that YouTube will still continue to be
the principal video sharing site, and with a large audience it will always have
someone to view the content. The added costs which feature on sites like Vimeo
can make the site less attractive to some users, and therefore would make it
much more difficult to ever gain as many users as YouTube, whose service is
always free.
What do you think?
Which video sharing site do you think is best? Will Vimeo
and Dailymotion ever take over Youtube?
Video Sharing Sites – Vimeo vs. YouTube vs. Dailymotion
Reviewed by Anonymous
Monday, October 14, 2013