Ben and Jerry's #freeconeday
Every year Ben and Jerry's have rewarded their customers with a 'free cone day'. It all started in their first year of trading, 1978, a way to promote the company and good business ethics. They handed over cone after cone to their local community, friends and family. As imagined, it was extremely popular and there is no doubt this business strategy helped boost sales in the long run and gave them a wider exposure.
Thirty-five years on and the world is very much a different place; as is the franchise of Ben and Jerry's. A contemporary company, they are keeping up with the times and investing in the appropriate research. #freeconeday trends all year but when the actual date is released online it will be flooding our feeds. With the use of Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram I have a feeling it might be their most successful year yet.
I think that it is a great example of what old-fashioned business ethics can do in today's world. Ben and Jerry's have always given us a wholesome impression of what their business is all about, its adverts are jovial and light. A business not taking itself too seriously, or seeming too, is somewhat refreshing in such a tense and forceful market.
And really, who wants to be too serious about ice cream? We enjoy it, it's a treat and associated with a good, happy time.
If social media shows us one thing, its that we love to feel globally connected. There are not many businesses that are exploiting this right now but there is no doubt it will become extremely popular.
To utilise the already popular idea of solidarity through social media its a fun and innovative way to boost there sales. Posting, tweeting and uploaded photos on Free Cone Day 2014 will easily surpass any that came before it and already they have reached over 10% of the worlds population. This mass popularity could only be reached by using social media, and using it in the right way.
Ben and Jerry's are still keeping their trademark personal and inoffensive approach and it is really working. Through using and maintaining their own hashtag for this day they will be dominating all social media on the next free cone day. It is extremely exciting for the company and any businesses which are currently using social media, or thinking of using it, to heighten their exposure.
Faye Cannon
Ben and Jerry's #freeconeday
Reviewed by Anonymous
Tuesday, November 12, 2013