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The 'f' word being banned from Facebook

Last week, Facebook sparked international controversy as it banned the use of the word 'faggot' on it's site. The popular slang term is usually used in a derogatory way to insult or refer to homosexual men. The word is synonymous with internet bullying, an issue that all social media companies should be aware of. But how do we control it? As we have seen, Facebook have pledged to ban any user who posts this particular word online...

This harks back to the old sentiment of, 'If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all...'; a simplistic moral we should have all been taught as children. But is this censorship going against what we love about online forums? Freedom of speech? Now, in no way do I endorse derogatory terms about anyone... internet bullying is deplorable and rightly so should be addressed. I just feel that maybe banning this one word isn't really tackling the bigger issue here.

As I have noted in most of my blogs, social media is getting bigger and bigger each day, but I feel the powers that be - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc. - should start consulting lawyers about altering their policy statements. They must look into all the implications of bad behaviour, for its users but also on its sites in general.

The term 'freedom of speech' is thrown around a lot and sadly it is often just an excuse to spout hateful and narrow-minded views. But where do we begin? I understand most social media sites have the options to 'report' something you personally find offensive, but does this really work? And who is monitoring it? Where are the guidelines and rules?

I think we need to adopt the attitudes we use in everyday life. You would not find it acceptable to begin shouting at a stranger in public because they have verbally 'shared' or 'liked' something you didn't approve of. And is this really how we feel it appropriate to conduct ourselves anyway? They say social media is taking us away from real social interaction... with the way it is growing more hostile I am not surprised.

The idea is that people become brave behind a keyboard and their illogical, hate-fueled feelings are spewed out instantly onto sites for millions to see. Debates happen, and debates are completely necessary when discussing topics we care about but when exactly does it become okay to start using caps lock? Literally, having the connotation of screaming at someone... it really is quite sad.

So, Facebook took action and banned - wait for it - one word. Brilliant, I am sure this will make a huge difference. Funny thing is, the implications of this have actually been quite jovial. Many people have inadvertently been banned from the site for merely stating their like of pork faggots - a traditional British dish.

This has started a little bit of outrage from fans who have merely used the word to speak of the dish and also the company, Mr Brains. Although, I am sure the company are enjoying the free press it has in fact made a bit of a mockery of the whole thing.

On a more serious note, I do believe there needs to be some set rules and maybe even laws about what can be said on social media sites. I only say this, as one it is a petty and inexcusable way to behave but also it leads to internet bullying and abuse, which nobody should endure. With the rate of teen suicide rising due to this kind of behaviour I think it is high time these wheels of motion are kicked in to action.

But who is going to go first? Facebook may possibly shy away due to this blunder but I hope someone will take the lead. We saw YouTube change tactics last week to form a cleaner and safer comment forum, maybe this is the beginning... Either way, some governing body must be put in place to at least censor what is being said.

We have so much information and freedom, more than any other generation before us, to find out more and ask questions and interact. Let us not waste it being narrow-minded and hateful, remember to think before you post!

Do you have any thoughts about internet censorship?

Faye Cannon

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The 'f' word being banned from Facebook Reviewed by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Rating: 5
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