Drive Sales Via Social Media Giants Facebook, LinkedIn And Twitter
Magnify engagement
By opening a new form of connectivity with your customers, you can reach your market in a new way. By doing this the company will capture more exposure as the Internet is designed to easily bring people in contact, and this is where the online form of marketing is superior over the more traditional methods such as newspaper advertising.
Driving sales through Facebook
Ask anyone to name one social media website, and more likely than not they will reply with Facebook. It became the fastest growing social network in its ten year history and today it is still the most used. The majority of people who spend their time online have a Facebook account.
With over one billion users worldwide, Facebook has become a way to communicate with people from different cultures, as well as liaising with a close peer group online. It is also a great platform for smaller businesses to reach a wider audience in order to gain more attention and ultimately more customers.
Advertising on Facebook
Facebook is great for advertising, and it has many features that allow different companies to advertise in multiple ways.
The page post feature allows businesses to boost posts they’ve already written on their Facebook page to increase social engagement. Most of the options are self-explanatory, and a plus side is that advertisers only pay when a user actually clicks on the ad, or Likes the advertisers page.
When creating an advertisement, there are options to choose the headline, ad text, and also images. It is best to upload new images but if not then there are photos and headers already provided. Once the layout is chosen, the audience-targeting feature allows the advertiser to chose the age, gender, location, language, interests, and categories of the people they want to target. This makes for a very in depth way to advertise, with Facebook making sure that businesses are able to target specific areas of society.
Regular Facebook updates and engagement
Facebook updates and engagement are a great way of boosting sales. By positing a mixture of content including relative information, photos, and trivia that your target audience will find interesting, it will lead to more engagement.
Many users will see a regularly updated Facebook page as a sign of success in a business. It is generally thought that if a business is regularly engaging with its customers online then in return the customers are investing in the products. This ensures that not only are you advertising your products directly over the Internet, but also there are psychological advantages to keeping your page updated.
If the page is active then a great way to utilise it is to make it a customer service tool. This enables the company to answer queries in a more relaxed manner on an informal social networking site.
LinkedIn is yet another social media site that can help boost business sales, and it was built specifically for businesses and professionals to promote their products and services. It has over 277 million users around the world making it a great way to reach potential customers through a number of sections on the site.
LinkedIn Groups
LinkedIn Groups is a very popular feature and many users have joined at least one group, with many users in more than one group. This ensures that groups are a great way to look for leads, build brand awareness, and participate in discussions surrounding industry topics.
Look for groups to join in the Groups Directory, and it is also advisable to take part in the “Groups You May Be Interested In” feature, and this points the user in the direction of groups based on others that may have been joined in the past.
When in the group it is helpful to join recent discussions and answering questions on a regular basis. It is best here to keep the responses genuine and informal, as being to sales focused can put some people off.
LinkedIn Leads
After meeting someone in a physical capacity, it is helpful to then add them on LinkedIn if you see business potential with that person. It can strengthen the relationship and also show that person that they are of some importance to you.
It is not advisable to add people you do not know, but by adding people you do know personally, and them meeting their contacts can create a lot of new leads for your business.
LinkedIn is great for connecting with people you do not know, but Twitter twists things around and tries to connect you with people you don’t know. Twitter is great at doing this due to its fast paced nature. It is designed to connect people quickly and easily so the results for business are instant if successful. Twitter has over 232 million users that are active so the scope for success is huge.
Many big brand businesses use Twitter and find it useful, but it is also good for smaller businesses that want to get their name out into the big wide world. Sharing is made easy on Twitter, so it is best to share industry relevant content such as news items, blog posts and infographics. Like Facebook it is also a good way of combining the account as a form of advertising and customer support, and this enhances credibility in the public eye.
Twitter Ad Campaigns
Twitter has its own ad campaign that allows users to showcase sponsored tweets or to gain more followers. Once a campaign is up and running, users are able to see impression, spend and click date in their ad dashboard.
Promoted Tweets can be either new, or ones that already exist, and for smaller businesses it is useful to promote tweets that offer exclusive coupons, or insight on new products and services.
Twitter Hashtags to Drive Engagement
Hashtags can help drive your content to the additional followers gained from a paid follower campaign. Tweets with hashtags get twice the amount of coverage due to people searching hashtags and trends, so this is obviously a massive plus when trying to get a product out into the public eye. Hashtag keywords in your tweet and don’t use more than two in one tweet, and people who did that saw a 17% drop in engagement.
These three services offer a great plus for businesses, and it is almost a crime not to utilise what is on offer. For small businesses using Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter can propel the firm from a tiny venture into a worldwide phenomenon. By following the tips above, your business will grow thanks to the powerful world of the internet.
Alex is an English Literature and Sociology undergraduate whose love for written word has led him to write about some obscure topics in his time. Currently a content writer at Social Media Frontiers, be sure to follow him @AlexSatSMF.
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Drive Sales Via Social Media Giants Facebook, LinkedIn And Twitter
Reviewed by Unknown
Thursday, March 20, 2014