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Social Media Tip: Your sales team can get results with B2B social media

Any business that has not yet joined the social media world is at risk of losing out on a plethora of opportunities. It's a world that is growing rapidly, with new features, platforms and apps appearing all the time. Social media is the future of marketing and sales, and is proven as an essential tool for your business, especially if the two work together. Online sales has become a social part of business, and if a business shies away from B2B social media, they risk missing out on potential B2B clients, new networks and finding new prospects.

Source: adaptive-business.com

It is reported that 93% of all B2B marketers are engaged in some form of social media marketing, according to a study conducted by BtoB Magazine (now part of Advertising Age). Most of these focused on the main channels; Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This highlights the importance of incorporating B2B social media into your sales teams. All aspects of your business can benefit from a social media input, so long as you know how to do it well. Here are a few steps to get start getting results with B2B social media:

1. Get your sales team on the right platforms
  • Choosing the right network is half of the battle, and strategy is key. It's not just about having a social media presence, but also having the right social media presence. That way, you are engaging with key people within your industry and finding the right potential prospects.
  • Make sure your sales team have individual profiles and that they are affiliated with your business page. This way, you can show a human side of your business. The individual-professional pages give interaction with potential prospects a one-to-one feel. 
2. Content should be easily digestible
  • Online content is really important; it's the virtual way of informing your potential prospects of your business solutions. You should be generating a lot of content in order to attract attention online and put yourself above other competitors.
  • Include rich content! Visual content is a growing trend this year, and everyone's doing it. Videos, PDF's, images and infographics make your content easier to digest and remember. Content used by your sales team can demonstrate the value of your brand to potential prospects; the more eye-catching it is, the more likely it is to drive more people to your business. 
  • Have a sales blog, written by various members of your sales team. This responsibility can be distributed amongst various members of your sales team, and each of them can blog individually about different aspects of your business and industry. Doing this through the individual accounts of your sales team can build followers for your business.

3. Show your expertise
  • It is important to show your company as a lead expert or authority within your industry. You can demonstrate this through your sales blog, as written above, or through social media channels. On Twitter, for example, you can host a TweetChat, where different members of your sales team can host a virtual networking event around various topics within your business and industry.
4. It's all about routine
  • Social media is all about real-time interaction; it's 24/7, and it's important to keep on top of it. If you distribute social media responsibilities across your sales team, and make sure a certain amount of time is allotted per day on it, then it is less likely to fall by the wayside.
5. Use different platforms to their advantage
  • LinkedIn – this is possibly one of the most important platforms for your sales team, and is predominantly for businesses and professionals. It is important that each member of your team has a full profile that compliments your business profile, and that they interact on it regularly. The team members should become members of different LinkedIn groups, to demonstrate their expertise in different sectors of the industry and to drive traffic back to your business profile and website.
  • Twitter – it is essential to connect with other businesses on Twitter; again, every member of your sales team should have an account that links back to your business account. By following trends, you can keep up to date with what's new in the industry, and see what TweetChats you can get involved in. By accumulating followers, you are driving traffic to your website. If a prospect tweets you, you can DM or start a conversation that can become a one-on-one exchange. Twitter cards shouldn't be neglected, this is a great way to incorporate rich content to your Twitter account. 
  • Facebook – this should not be overlooked; Facebook is still a key player in the social media world and can drive a lot of traffic to your account. Ever since the introduction of the Facebook Business Page, it has been easier to monitor your Facebook business presence and tailor your online marketing strategy. 
6. Monitor your social media presence
  • It's all very well establishing a successful social media presence for your sales team, but it is just as important to monitor its success. Using a free tool, like Google Analytics, will enable you to see what is working in your B2B social media strategy, and what isn't.

Charlotte is a trainee journalist, who loves writing about anything and everything. Currently an intern at Social Media Frontiers, you can follow her @charlotteatsmf and @CharlotteR_4

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Social Media Tip: Your sales team can get results with B2B social media Reviewed by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Rating: 5
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