Social Media And The Battle Of The Sexes
How men and women use social media differently
Social media has been a massive influence on the current generation, even changing the way many live their lives. It has opened doors for people who otherwise may have struggled to get their work into the public eye, but one issue that goes unnoticed is how the two genders use social media for different purposes.When breaking down the data, it is fascinating to see how men and women use the internet. Men tend to look for business and love on social media, whilst women play more games and seek knowledge. This information will maybe shatter a few stereotypes that society has created as a result of the digital age becoming prominent.
Finances Online conducted the survey, and they reported that men are more likely to use social media for work and dating. This is an astounding figure when you take into account that this equates to 13 percent of men try and find love through social media compared to just 7 percent of women. Unlucky for men.
When it comes to staying in touch with friends, women lead the way. They are also more likely to share photos and seek out self-help information. Women are also more likely to Like or follow a brand in the hope of deals in the future, whilst men are more likely to scan coupons or QR codes on their smartphones.
Despite men using their smartphones for this reason, women play more games on their phones. There are some other interesting statistics identified by Finances Online, and the evidence seems to suggest that women are more active on Facebook in terms of sharing and interacting with friends.
Paid advertising is a massive part of social media, and a lot of companies rely on their online presence in order to sell. They may be interested to see that women are less likely to take action on paid digital advertising, and this will possibly lead to companies changing their strategies online to cater for women, as they are more likely to follow brands in the hope of looking for a good deal. It seems that women are not that interested in advertising full stop, as they tend to ignore mobile text ads more often.
Despite this, there are some ads that take the female fancy. Women tend to be more interested in advertising with a more sentimental theme, as well as family orientated themes, real-life situations, and pets and kids. Men on the other hand unsurprisingly react to Car themes, sport themes, action themes, and sexual content.
The results are captivating and often surprising, and it gives a great insight into how people utilise the internet and more specifically, social media. This kind of information is gold dust for marketing companies who will no doubt use these facts to devise a strategy for many sales teams across the world.
Alex is an English Literature and Sociology undergraduate whose love for written word has led him to write about some obscure topics in his time. Currently a content writer at Social Media Frontiers, be sure to follow him @AlexSatSMF.
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Social Media And The Battle Of The Sexes
Reviewed by Alex Carson
Thursday, April 10, 2014