Starbucks serves up satanic symbols and causes a stir on Social Media
Have you checked your coffee cup?
What started off as a simple customer complaint in Louisiana, USA, has turned into another social media sensation. A barista drew satanic symbols in her coffee foam and has since apologised, but the internet is not willing to let this one go just yet.
A schoolteacher posted the image on Starbucks’ company Facebook page, and said in an interview “I have not taken offence to anything said and stand by my decision to report the inappropriate way my coffee was served. It was my customer right.” It all seems quite bizarre that such a story should receive such attention, but again it displays the ever-growing influence that social media can have.
She expressed her own surprise at the photo becoming such a phenomenon, and expressed that she had no idea that just a couple of days later, her photo was shared and liked more than 2,000 times and hit international news in the process:
“I knew that people would have opinions about it and I knew that people would voice those opinions. I never sought the opinion of others, approval of others, or support of others. I simply wanted my customer service complaint to be seen. I felt that being heard through a description would not quite catch the attention of Starbucks like the actual picture did. I never intended on this being such a huge deal. I simply wanted my opinion to be heard by Starbucks, though I know it was heard by many through Social Media," Pinion wrote.
Starbucks have unfortunately become the laughing stock of this year’s humour season (since April Fools’ Day), and social media created the buzz. Whether it is the latest vocal superstar or your local devil-worshipping barista, social media has the power to catapult that person into the gazing eye of the media and general public.
Alex is an English Literature and Sociology undergraduate whose love for written word has led him to write about some obscure topics in his time. Currently an intern at Social Media Frontiers, be sure to follow him @AlexSatSMF
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Starbucks serves up satanic symbols and causes a stir on Social Media
Reviewed by Unknown
Thursday, April 17, 2014