Social Media Personality Profiling For Business
Social Media Marketing For Different Personalities
According to a
recent article by Penelope Trunk, founder and CEO of the personality and career
experts Quistic, everyone is motivated by one of three core desires:
achievement, affiliation, or competence (or in simpleton’s terms: winning,
relationships/affiliation, and craft). Think about what drives you: if you can
understand and identify yourself amongst these three key motivators then you
can better place yourself to succeed in business. The Myers-Briggs test places
one’s personality on a sliding spectrum of 16 possibilities but somewhat
worryingly, if, like myself, you are an ENFJ personality type it appears that
you find “thinking is often your weakness”; however, it also advises to start
writing a blog to further career prospects, so perhaps it’s bang on.
Certain City banks
are already using personality profiling to better engender brokering
partnerships and deals – if a client is particularly data-focused they will
match them with a similarly data-minded broker, or match more ‘blue-sky-thinking’
companies with their own optimists. Understanding how to improve communication
across different personalities is a useful and insightful business move.
You might think
that marketers should be sensitive or empathetic or have a keen eye for detail
or a creative spark or an appreciation for deadlines; in fact, they need to be
all of the above and more. A split personality is perhaps encouraged in the marketing world, and even more so in the social media marketing
world. You have to be able to tap into the different mindsets of your varied
audiences, understand which channels will best speak to which personalities and
create content that appeals to a variety of character types. Your strategy
needs to speak to multiple personalities, thus you need to be able to adopt
multiple personalities.
Everyone knows that
social media is a great way to market your business; obviously, you understand
what your business is about, but do you really understand your customers? For
all you social media managers, and there are a lot of you – five million‘social media experts’ at last count on LinkedIn – here are a
few personality traits that you might wish to nurture when marketing a business
online. The thinkers at Hubspot suggest that in order to better engage with your
business’ customers, you should become:
The informant –
tell your brash reader what they need to know. And don’t beat about the bush.
The inquirer –
appeal to the quieter members of your audience by asking them questions, and
encouraging a climate for engagement with considerate content.
The helper – for
the busy-bodies who are never satisfied you must provide top-notch customer
service and answer questions and complaints directly.
The thought
provoker – show the curious members of your target market that you are open to
dialogue and debate, and that you are the go-to-expert for knowledge in your
The class clown –
appeal to the jokers with some classic slap-stick humour.
The entertainer –
this applies to everyone. Everyone likes, and needs, to be entertained. So be
The go-getter – and
for those personality types that your business hasn’t yet tapped into…go and get them on board.
It’s no longer
enough for a business to market itself along outdated ‘buy me now’
call-to-action commands; with the advent of social media marketing, the
emphasis is clearly on the social aspect. Everyone loves a good story, and this
works to any good marketer’s advantage. Your blog and social media personality
should be in sync, as this shapes how customer’s view your business’ character
and will affect which personality types are more naturally drawn to your company.
People come to expect a certain tone from your business, so keep your online
personality consistent across the multiple channels. Social media is
pre-disposed to helping you nurture and expand your business – people buy
things from people they trust and respect, so let your honest and knowledgeable
personality come to the surface.
Obviously social networking
engages the interests and activities of more narcissistic individuals as
opposed to those less motivated by peer approval; introverts and extroverts use
online communities differently according to their need to be people-oriented
and outwardly social. Nearly 60% of extroverts use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
for professional purposes, while 47% of introverts shared the sentiment;
although there is clearly a difference in the figures, it’s good news for
marketers as it shows the popularity of social media in general. Studies into
how different personality types use the internet consistently show that despite
minor fluctuations, on the whole, all personality types are using social media
for business and professional purposes.
Although there are
obviously nuances and dynamics to be considered when marketing on social media,
and those marketers who can most intricately manage these will be rewarded,
overall the vast majority of your target market – be they introverts or
extroverts, shy or narcissistic, thinkers or feelers – are using and responding to social media for professional purposes, and it follows that it is a useful and successful
channel for marketing.
Katie Rowley
Recent graduate and now interning as content editor, when she's not writing articles Katie can quite likely be found festival-ing, holiday-ing or reading a book (dedicated English student that she is).
Social Media Personality Profiling For Business
Reviewed by Anonymous
Wednesday, August 27, 2014