Teacher’s Social Media Warning Goes Viral
The Warning That Won’t Stop Working
A Sixth-Grade
teacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma decided to make a post on Facebook designed to show
her students the dangers of over-sharing online. It worked, very well.
Bour, a teacher at Emerson Elementary School, was concerned about some of the photos
and other material being posted on her student’s Facebook pages, many of which
apparently showed the 11-12 year old pupils posing in underwear or making rude
gestures. So, seeing an opportunity to educate beyond her role, she decided to
In an
attempt to show her students just how quickly content can spread online she
drafted a si mple statement and request, photographed it, and uploaded to Facebook.
In case you can’t make it out in the image, the message reads:
“Dear Facebook, I am a sixth-grade teacher in Oklahoma, My 12-year-old students think it is ‘no big deal’ that they are posting pictures of themselves in bras or with their middle finger in the air. Please help me out by sharing this image and commenting with where you live to show these young students how quickly their images can get around. Thanks! –Miss Bour”
Within hours of posting the photo went
viral. It has now reached all 50 American states and even crossed international
borders, as it continues to be shared in countries including Australia, Saudi
Arabia and Germany.
Miss Bour has now deleted the original post,
but copies continue to circulate globally. This has inadvertently carried on
the lesson, showing students first-hand that once online, data can be near on
impossible to remove completely.
Students and parents alike are praising Miss Bour’s efforts, and hopefully will be a little more aware
of what they post online.
Sam is an aspiring novelist with a passion for fantasy and crime thrillers. Currently working part time as a content writer, he hopes to one day drop that 'aspiring' prefix. Follow him @SamAtSMF
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Teacher’s Social Media Warning Goes Viral
Reviewed by Unknown
Wednesday, January 07, 2015