Stand out with a Snapchat CV
Résumé Rock Star
A university graduate sets the bar high for other candidates by applying to a job at Snapchat with a Snapchat Story Résumé.For potential applicants the demand to stand out is higher than ever.
Elski Felson, 24, has pioneered one of the most contemporary forms of the CV since, like, ever. When he heard that Snapchat were hiring in Venice, Florida he decided that a Snapchat résumé would surely grab the attention of the app’s employers.
Felson did it through the story feature on Snapchat, which allows you to compile videos in the order you took them and save them for 24 hours on your Snapchat account.
What’s great about the series of short videos is the way you can see how Felson captures what it means to be a Snapchatter. He doesn't take himself too seriously: he demonstrates his judgment by guessing the weight of his groceries and shows how much of a “rock star” he is.
The résumé is fast paced (can it be anything else on Snapchat?), fun, informative and includes all the vital contact and educational information any employer wants to see.
I think this is a superbly clever idea and we’re bound to see an influx of things like this happening throughout 2015 as others try to get a space on the band wagon, before it becomes a bit been-there-done-that.
As Felson wisely points out, paper CVs are totally outdated. He says, “Personally, I hate paper résumés, I don’t think a piece of paper can encapsulate anybody.”
Video CVs and Visumés began in the 1980s and although they didn’t take off until the late 2000s, this contemporary form of job application should make anyone stick out.
Maybe Felson got lucky, or maybe he’s got great marketing skills. Either way his video has gone viral and racked up a 1 million views since its initial upload less than two weeks ago.
Unfortunately for Felson, not everyone agrees with him. Some employers say that using video CVs doesn’t include enough information and I suppose you might have to watch a video CV a couple of times to make notes.
Just always be sure before you send a video CV or even a Snapchat CV, that it is suitable and applicable to the type of company you're applying to. As mentioned above, not all companies will be looking for a demonstration of these kinds of skills.
To watch Elski Felson’s Snapchat Résumé click here.
Megan Herdson
Megan is a country girl who moved to the city with some big dreams. She is studying her MA in Creative Writing whilst also managing an American Football Team. She loves her blog and wants nothing more than to have her words read. That and to win the Championship, obviously. Follow her @MeganAtSMF
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Stand out with a Snapchat CV
Reviewed by Unknown
Friday, March 13, 2015