#Twitter, #Porn, Adverts and Anger
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Now we all know the marketing mantra “Sex Sells, Sex Sells, Se…”, but would you be comfortable in having your brand’s adverts intertwined with profiles filled to bursting with the kind of porn that has slipped through the cracks of Twitter’s security?
This is a problem Twitter have been more than reluctant to sing form the tree tops, why? Because it’s losing them money, of course! No crime there.
Unfortunately, placing perspiring Pepsi adverts alongside homemade porn pages and daily penis pics cannot be justified as postmodern juxtapositions cleverly crafted for the rib-tickling entertainment of the horn-rimmed, tash-stained 90’s kids. In reality, it’s having a huge, negative impact on the credibility of the companies involved. Upon discovery of their ads bearing resemblance to the likes of Livejasmin, companies have become bewildered and outraged leading them to rein back their spending on the once flawless marketing platform that is Twitter.
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What we do know is that this problem is a technical error, not an evil plot to muddy the names of highly reputable brands; with over 974 million users, the task of policing potentially pornographic accounts is a mammoth task for Twitter to embark on, but still, that’s just not enough to settle the stomachs of the paying, porn-hating, product pushers.
Twitter acknowledge that they are dramatically falling behind in the race to irradiate unwanted content, with Facebook pushing mercilessly ahead, batting away masturbation and breastfeeding alike. However, having recently struck a partnership with Google’s ad department, the future may see more advanced tech implemented to search and destroy the crude and the coy.
It must be said that Twitter are not the only social network to suffer this problem; many of the social media platforms are known for hosting, and even quietly boasting, explicit content, but apparently the differences between explicit and artistic can be understood through an in-depth knowledge of what distinguishes Facebook form Tumblr.
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Leo Donnelly
Ever wondered what would happen if you gave a half-crazed, semi-concussed, unstoppable maverick a platform to write about social media? Follow him @LeoAtSMF
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#Twitter, #Porn, Adverts and Anger
Reviewed by Unknown
Sunday, May 17, 2015