Sadly enough, the Pokémon World Championship's innocent and playful atmosphere came to a sad end after
two men decided to attend the rally armed with shotguns and rifles.
Both men were supposed to be competing in the finals at the invitation-only event, but they were arrested for unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition by the Boston Police.
It made us at Social Songbird truly, truly sad.
Because we love Pokémon and would love a chance to talk about it. So,
we've fabricated an opportunity here.
In an effort
to dispel all of this negativity around our beloved Pokémon, we want to write an article to remind us of the fun times we've had.
So, here are our 13 Pokémon gifs that sum up how we are on Social Media in the 21st Century:
Epileptics Beware: Pokemon Loves Flashing Imagery
Getting a new follower can feel a bit like you've captured a rare and wonderful creature...
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When you troll like a boss and don't give a flying Flareon....
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But some days you scroll and scroll through the news feed for hours, in fact you scroll so far, you're nearly in last week:
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How about that time when you uploaded a new profile picture and didn't get a single "Like," then you have to act like you don't care when you totally do... Charizard knows those feels.
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And when someone cool actually retweets you on Twitter...
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Or that tense moment when you have 1% left on your mobile and you haven't taken a selfie yet..
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When you quickly find and post the perfect reaction meme in response to a friend's insult:
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How about when you can't sleep because Facebook is beckoning?
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This one perfectly encapsulates how I felt when I saw my Grandma had added me on Facebook...
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And the horror when someone sends you a Snapchat that you just did not want to see....
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And there are those times when your friend's typos are just too infuriating...
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Then there are those times when you get invited to one too many games of Candy Crush Saga?
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But overall, we are just grateful for the joy that our social media accounts bring us and all our Poké-friends...
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Megan Herdson
Megan is a country girl who moved to the city with some big dreams. She is studying her MA in Creative Writing whilst also managing an American Football Team. She loves her blog and wants nothing more than to have her words read. That and to win the Championship, obviously. Follow her @MeganAtSMF