#DigitalMarketing #Trends of 2016
As the most rapidly growing and recent addition to the world of marketing, social media can be pretty tricky to predict, especially in the long run. We can suppose with a fair amount of accuracy how social media will grow through the coming years, but any insight into its generational evolution can only ever be speculative.
With hindsight we can explain, quite simply, the leaps
social media has made, whether fuelled by a boost in computer technology and
innovation, or a significant unification of user behaviour. We have the story
in front of us; all we have to do is read it. Although, this story has just
began, it is far too early to predict the ending, but what we can do is explain
what’s happening right now, independently from its grand evolutionary arc, like a cog in a clock.
So that’s exactly what we’ll do. We’ll take a look at some
of the most interesting new trends in social media marketing we expect to see in
Here’s what my colleagues had to say:
Firstly I went in search of our Editor and head content writer.
Who better, I thought, to shed some light on trends to come than the guys with
forever one ear to the web. Supported by various other predications across the
cyber-sea, Sam and Callum suggest that News articles and creative content are
the horses to back in 2016’s marketing efforts.
Callum explained that the interactive nature of The News on
social media has engaged audiences to become more responsive and reactive to
the stories they hear. Ultimately, he supposes, this has and will continue to
reduce media bias as every article immediately delivers a vast platform for
discussion. Continuing into next year faith in the mainstream media will continue
to decay, forcing the big boys to report more truthfully or get the funk out
the way.
Already we have seen
a rise in the credibility of smaller newsagents such as Buzzfeed, even UniLad,
purely based on their more even coverage of events. Callum asks us to take
Jeremy Corbyn for example; one look at the mainstream media would lead you to
believe he hadn’t a hope in hell in securing the Labour leadership. In reality
the ball was rolling online and gathered huge momentum resulting in a landslide
victory. This has prompted the public to reassess their relationship with the
Sam, our humble Editor here at Social Songbird, described organic,
creative content as next year’s big earner. He believes that people have wised
up to obvious adverts disguised as articles and are, on the whole, writing more
honestly online. This, he concludes, will place a higher incentive before
companies to behave in way more beneficial to the entirety of society and, therefore,
more likely to be discussed positively online. In short: be sound and people
will do your advertising for you.
Next, I skipped across to our Managing Director and Head of
Marketing to delve deeper into the crystal ball. The Former, Jack, is convinced
ecommerce is likely to take the biggest leap in 2016. He enlightened me to the
fact that Facebook already have plans to open a new, in-site, sales channel
that will partner up with Shopify. Soon, he proposes, all social networks will
include on-site buy buttons, allowing us to do the majority of our online shopping
from the comfort of our own e-homes. So if you haven’t already, get set up and
to grips with as many of the big social networks as possible so you can enjoy a
running start towards the future of ecommerce.
Emma, our Head of Marketing, offered an interesting take on
the rise of live streaming within social media. She observes that since the
birth of advertising sellers have clung to the famous for help in popularising
their product. With the height of celebrity culture towering over society this
is marketing exercise is becoming increasingly expensive, and so businesses are
now turning to the new-somewhat cheaper- generation of social media stars to
advertise their companies. Vine, Snapchat and Facebook all offer live-streaming
services that have proved to be tremendously popular with their audience. It is
only a matter of time, she suggests, until the online video market becomes
saturated by advertising and promotional ploys. The simple message: eat the pie
whilst it’s still hot, by the end of next year the dish may be cold and empty.
My final port of call came in the form of the ever-popular
Mr Daniel Swan, our in house Head of Graphic Design. He explained that the aesthetic
landscape of the internet develops even more rapidly than the functionality of
the sites themselves. He believes that in the past year there has been a shift from
appearance to information. This can be seen as more and more sites swap out
flashy videos and loud colours for simple, straightforward information. People our
becoming wise to websites using nice images to entice them. They no longer hold
the belief that jazzy backgrounds and buzzing fonts indicate a trustworthy
business, rather, they feel bombarded and patronised by attempts to distract
them from the facts.
So now we see clear messages written in larger, simpler
fonts that pride themselves on directness and honesty.
Following our brief round-up it seems we can conclude that
there has been a slight power shift that has gifted, us, the consumer a little
more say in how we are approached by businesses. Honesty and clarity seem to be
the underlying message for all who wish to be successful in their marketing campaigns
next year, simple and effective.
From all of us here at Social Songbird, we wish you a happy
new year and the best of luck with your future campaigns.
Ever wondered what would happen if you gave a half-crazed, semi-concussed, unstoppable maverick a platform to write about social media? Follow him @LeoAtSMF
Contact us on Twitter, on Facebook, or leave your comments below. To find out about social media training or management why not take a look at our website for more info http://socialmediacambridge.co.uk/.
Contact us on Twitter, on Facebook, or leave your comments below. To find out about social media training or management why not take a look at our website for more info http://socialmediacambridge.co.uk/.
#DigitalMarketing #Trends of 2016
Reviewed by Unknown
Sunday, January 03, 2016