// Facebook's News Feed Is Changing Once Again - Social Songbird


Facebook's News Feed Is Changing Once Again

Tech Crunch
It seems as if Facebook have realised that their current posting algorithm isn't the best way for users to see their news feed. They are now changing it again so users are seeing more recent posts of more variety, but they will still be organised by how interested Facebook think you will be in them.

Facebook's Feed Quality Program has discovered that the way users were seeing their Facebook posts was not great. They were sometimes missing small posts by friends that might be about something serious because people weren't reacting or their feed was filled with posts by the same people over and over as Facebook thought you liked them. There is still a hint of that, but the posts will appear in your feed in a much neater way.

The new algorithm looks at your interest in the post's creator, the post's performance with other users, other users interest in the creator's other posts, your interest in the type of post it is and when it was posted. So if you watch a lot of cooking videos, when someone you're friends with posts one within an hour of you coming online, you'll probably see it near the top of your feed. If an acquaintance you barely talk to posts a status on the other hand then you're less likely to see it. Obviously, if you want to keep up to date with someone it probably is still worth checking on their profile page rather than just hoping they'll pop up in your feed.

Facebook is also looking into instant articles to decide how to organise your news feed. It'll look into how long you spend on a page after it's finished loading.  If you watch the entire video or read the whole article, then they know you're interested in that topic. If you click straight back, then it's either click bait or something you're just not interested in.

The updated news feed has already started to be rolled out and will continue to be so over the next few weeks.

Rosina is a Songbird writer with a degree in Creative Writing. She's trying to focus on her novel on the side but is glad to be playing around with apps and writing about them in the mean time! Follow her @Songbird_Rosina

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Facebook's News Feed Is Changing Once Again Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, April 25, 2016 Rating: 5
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