New 10-Second Skip Feature Launches on YouTube Mobile
YouTube is a huge community, with over 1 billion users, and according to YouTube itself, over half of video views are mobile users. So it's no surprise the Android and iOS apps are always undergoing updates to make the app the best to use, navigate and enjoy for so many users. The magic that is technology often updates apps automatically and so this recent update took me by surprise when using the app myself a few evenings ago.
Being nosy, I enjoy those ever-popular haul videos, there's an endless amount on the app. I love to see what people spend their money on, be it clothing, home-ware, food, anything. So, there I was, watching a haul video. And does anyone else tap the screen part-way through a video to see how long's left? Then tap again to remove the icons and navigation bar? I did this, and entered a state of mass-confusion as the person on my screen seemed to repeat what she said about 10 seconds earlier. With the quick flash of the backward arrows on the left half of the screen when doing it again, I'd sussed it.
Skip-features of some kind or another have been trialing on the app since late 2015, in the form of double arrow buttons, as well as a similar double-tap feature they they had since disabled. But with version 12.03 of the app, which offered the update at the start of February, the inconsistency of the skip-feature is no more, and the feature seems to be here to stay.
'Easily rewind or skip forwards 10 seconds by double-tapping on the left or right sides of the video player' - 'What's New' from 4th February 2017 on the apps App Store page.
Available on both iOS and Android, and there's also the option to skip 20 or 30 seconds too for those with excellent quick-tapping skills. I did find this expert-level quite tricky to master to begin with mind you.So, despite the unexpected skipping I first encountered, the new feature does have some great uses. You can skip those boring introductions, whether it be someone babbling on about sponsored content or a cringe-worthy intro-montage. You can skip to your favorite or funniest part of the video, or just the part you're interested in, without the struggle of trying to scroll the tiny navigation bar with your slightly-too-stubby fingers. And for those who are keen to copy the latest Little Mix dance routine (*cough* definitely not me...) the quick rewind option helps you go over and over that dance move you can't quite master.
So there's the rare major update on the YouTube app that isn't the standard 'bug fix'. Quite a useful feature don't you think?
aspiring journalist, Laura is our Content Writer intern. Pop-punk gig-goer and drag queen enthusiast,
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New 10-Second Skip Feature Launches on YouTube Mobile
Reviewed by Unknown
Wednesday, February 08, 2017