Facebook Messenger Ads are Rolling out Worldwide
Alongside Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger is the world's most popular messaging app with over 1.2 billion monthly users. In the six years that it's acted as a standalone application, an array of new features have been introduced, and now its parent company is looking to monetise it by making ads available around the world.
Facebook initially ran tests with Messenger homepage ads back in January where the area was limited to just Australia and Thailand. When those tests proved to be successful, the company decided it was worth rolling out a beta test on a global scale.
The ads will to start appear on the home tab of a small percentage of people's Messenger apps in the next month. By pressing them, they will either be directed to an off-platform location related to the advertisement or it will open up a message with the company. According to TechCrunch, where these ads appear in people's inbox "depends on how many threads a user has, the size of their phone's physical screen and the pixel density of the display".
Initially, the advertisements will be restricted to a small group of companies that were able to purchase space when the option became available earlier this week, but there will be opportunities for plenty more to become involved over the coming weeks.
"Expect Facebook to roll these out slowly, as they normally do, but integrate payments and M, which is what makes the Messenger platform specials," says ads expert Dennis Yu, referring to Messenger's ability to make purchases through the in-app payment system as well as the M artificial intelligence assistant. Thist is able to make recommendations when your messages indicate you're considering buying something, a function that would work well with the addition of more ad content.
The arrival of ads in Messenger is likely to be a source of controversy among users. They're particularly large in size, dominating most of the screen despite not being the intended focus of the app, and are distracting for people who have never taken an interest in the ads that Facebook shares.
How successful these advertisements will be for the company is currently unknown, but if they're eventually set to reach over 1.2 billion users, it's likely that they'll be a useful source of revenue for Facebook no matter whether the traffic is high or low. Let's just hope that the apps userbase learns to love them.
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Facebook Messenger Ads are Rolling out Worldwide
Reviewed by Unknown
Thursday, July 13, 2017