Twitter is Trialling a 280 Character Limit & People Aren't Happy
Another day, another new feature for social media users to we bring you Twitter's latest shenanigans regarding Tweet character limits.
Twitter is a place for people to Tweet news, thoughts and nonsense in a concise, of-the-moment matter. The character limit has always been at 140 characters to keep tweets of a concise, short nature and it's never really had any complaints before - apart from when you are forced to make a grammatical crime (goodbye comma that should 100% be in this sentence...) to fit your tweet into the limit.
If users wish to express views in a longer, paragraph style, they can do so by heading to Facebook, using things like TwitLonger, or sharing a screenshot of what they want to say on Notes for example.
Twitter are trialling something which many didn't think would ever happen (and something people haven't actually asked for, unlike other features *cough* Edit Tweet button).
The app are trialling a 280-character limit on a select few accounts, and the post on Twitter's blog announcing the potential change reads:
"We want every person around the world to easily express themselves on Twitter, so we're doing something new: We're going to try out a longer limit, 280 characters, in languages impacted by cramming (which is all except Japanese, Chinese, and Korean)."
Upon discovering the trials of the new feature, it's safe to say the people of Twitter have voiced their opinions. Some are being pretty funny with their responses...
I’m so excited to be part of @Twitter’s #280characters rollout. Let me just say it’s an honor and a privilege. I’d like to thank my wonderf— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) September 27, 2017
— 🍎Tuti Fruti🍎 (@oyhoay) 27 September 2017
Dear Twitter, be careful what you wish for. #140Characters #280Characters— James Melville (@JamesMelville) 27 September 2017
And some are downright against the idea...
If we wanted to read essays we would log into Facebook so it's a no from me. #280characters— Sheldon Cameron (@Sheldon_Cameron) 27 September 2017
Instead of #280characters I'd take:— David Taylor (@DT2ComicsChat) September 27, 2017
-More than four pics
-More than four poll choices
-Pics with polls
-Pics with retweets
What are your thoughts on #280Characters?
aspiring journalist, Laura is our Content Writer. Pop-punk gig-goer and drag queen enthusiast,
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Twitter is Trialling a 280 Character Limit & People Aren't Happy
Reviewed by Unknown
Wednesday, September 27, 2017