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The Role of Data Analytics in Marketing

Consumers and business generate more data than ever before. Much of that information can directly contribute to the optimization of marketing strategies. However, success in that regard requires an understanding of the role of data analytics in marketing and the right analytical tools.

Such a realization has not completely permeated either the business world or the marketing industry. After all, a study recently discovered that more than one-third of marketers had any analytics training over the past 12-month period. Meanwhile, slightly over one-fifth of marketers have ever had any such training. Even fewer marketers have ever had basic exposure to the use of databases.

Customer data seems to suggest that data analytics should have more significance. After all, more than half of all customers say that they will change brands if a company doesn’t communicate with them on a personal level. So, in many ways, data analytics can play a vital role in a firm’s ongoing success.

Customer interactions

Every customer interaction with a business can affect that brand’s perceived value. Fortunately, thanks to technology, companies can collect a seemingly limitless supply of data that can help them analyze their customers’ experiences. 

When they use data analytics tools, they can quickly identify customer pain points and operational bottlenecks that they can subsequently resolve. Ideally, by continuously analyzing customer interactions, a business can constantly improve their quality.

Cross-channel marketing

In the past, people interacted with brands by physically visiting a store to see what they offered for sale. Technology has changed that. Now, social media, website views, and email message create an avalanche of information that can streamline - and complicate - customer journeys. Fortunately, data analysis can help.

Technology can track all the interactions between a single customer across all channels. Consequently, firms can learn what channels generate the best results and use that information to prioritize their marketing budgets. Moreover, cross-channel marketing data can help marketers decide whether to abandon or revitalize poorly performing channels.


Data analytics enable the use of a customer data platform that focuses on customers’ behaviour from their perspective. A CDP collects all the interactions a customer has with a brand. Although such data may include purchases, it also looks at other behavioural cues that help companies analyze groups of customers and various types of transactions.

CDP can help firms assimilate data from multiple sales channels. For instance, a brand with both an online and offline presence may misinterpret conversion rates if they analyze both channels separately. However, by combining their data, they may discover that customers offset online purchases via in-store returns. Additionally, CDP can provide visual representations of customer groups in ways that help businesses prioritize their marketing activities.

Customer survey

Data analytics can help businesses digest customer-provided feedback. For instance, rather than analyzing survey results one at a time, businesses can analyze them in bulk by looking for meaningful words and phrases that indicate the intentions and emotions of their customers. Advanced analytics tools can simultaneously track and multiple customer attitudes. Such information can help firms prioritize their efforts as they improve the customer experience.

Paid search

Marketers that want to begin working with data analytics may want to choose Google AdWords as their starting point. The platform contains built-in analytics tools that can help you compose your first ads. As you run campaigns, Google captures their performance data and provides access to reports that provide actional insights. For instance, after paying for advertisements that attract clicks but not conversions, a marketer can try different keywords and messages for the next campaign.

Keyword optimization

Although many online marketing channels exist, perhaps content marketing and search engine optimization have become more urgent now than ever before. After all, to succeed online, businesses must keep competitors in check while satisfying the ever-changing requirements of Google and other internet search tools.

Data analytics can help marketers identify and choose valuable and relevant keywords and phrases. Afterwards, they can naturally infuse those terms in well-written content in ways that cause their pages to rank near the top of relevant search results.

In the end, data analytics plays numerous roles in marketing that can make businesses and their brands more competitive and profitable. The quality of data and data analytics tools can determine the impact data analytics has on a company’s marketing strategy.

Caryl Anne Crowne 
It is a contributing writer and media specialist for Digital Marketing Training Group. 
She often produces content for a variety of marketing blogs.

The Role of Data Analytics in Marketing Reviewed by Mili Ponce on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Rating: 5
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