The Future of Social Media Marketing: A Collision 2021 Talk
It goes without saying that the pandemic has had a huge effect on all of our lives no matter where we are, this includes no matter what lines of work you are in as well with everything from Pizza boys to CEOs having to adapt to the world as it goes through this traumatic experience. It stands to reason, therefore, that Marketing would also see these effects disrupting marketing events and making some of the more usual in-person or close proximity events simply unthinkable, and like everyone else, the industry has had to adapt. This is the general gist of the opening to the talk between Tom Keiser (Hootsuite) and Michelle Castillo (Chedder) at yesterday's Collision 2021 event- like many other events it too, has been forced online. Of course, as you might guess from the title Tom wanted to speak on the future of marketing, which has had to or will have to begin its move to where it can reach its audience and with over half of the planet's population being in some way or another a user of social media.
Expanding on this for a while Tom, spoke about the already present communities and groups formed on social networking sights, with already established networks, what more could the marketing industry need to be convinced to invest more in their social media departments.
So far many large businesses, if they have one at all, view social media as a sort of side-venture, and this is especially true when it comes to big brands recognised globally which approach social media with great caution. But, with most talks on social media at the moment, both at collision and externally, the same conclusion is being drawn. The pandemic has only accelerated the growth and importance of social media in all industries, meaning this trend of social media growing ever more important is only set to continue as well. This doesn't even begin to cover the fact that social media can give these marketing companies and big brands a greater insight into consumer trends than ever before, which would lead to an ability to target ads more accurately to the consumer needs.
It is however understandable why brands are wary of social media marketing, as any platform they should choose to carry their brand's name, could be subject to scandal, let alone attached to the ever-present prohibited and undesired content that slips through the moderators grasp.
However, with the recent decisions of many governments to begin taking a serious look and start restricting social media platforms, not to mention the ever-stricter community standards that these networks are trying to enforce, the risk has never been lower. The addition of brand support and content on social media is also likely to bring more users, meaning more revenue and greater funding to enforce restrictions and free social media of the likes of hate speech even more. Of course, this is ignoring one flaw being, that many big brands struggle to produce content on the vast variety of social networks now available to them. Tiktok, Youtube and Clubhouse have all seen a wealth of new creators and are relatively easy to monetise but big brands still hesitate.
According to Tom despite what many might think, improving brands and companies' presence on social media doesn't even require a great amount of funding. Just by connecting on these largely free sites, the marketing industry would already be set to improve and target consumers on a greater scale. Also, if it continues on its current trajectory the gaming industry is set to merge with social media, or evolve into whatever is next showing a long sustainable growth for the marketing industry should it invest in its social media presence sooner.
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One question has been asked at also every marketing-related talk at collision so far, "Is the increased use and importance of social media set to continue post-pandemic?". Every time, no matter who the speaker is, the answer seems to be the same. Yes.
Jack Glidewell-
Senior Editor, Writer, and Podcaster at Social Songbird
A self taught writer and news enthusiast, with a deep love for new and exciting developments around the globe. Aspiring Novel writer and traditional and pop Japanese culture lover.